

リポーティングマーク 鉄道名・所有者名
AAAnn Arbor RR.
ABBAkron and Barberton Belt RR.
ABCKAlaska British Columbia Trans
ABLAlameda Belt Line
ABRAdrian and Blissfield RR.
ACAlgoma Central Ry.
ACISAlgoma Central Ry.
ACJRAshtabula, Carson and Jefferson RR.
ACLAtlantic Coast Line RR./CSX Transporting, Inc
Atlantic Coast Line(アトランティック・コースト・ライン)のボックスカー
ACRCAndalusia and Conecuh RR.
ACRYArkansas Central Ry.
ACWRAberdeen, Carolina and Western Ry.
ACYAkron, Canton and Youngstown Ry./Norfolk Southern Co.
ACZRArizona Central RR.
ADAtlantic and Danville Ry.
ADBFAdrian and Blissfield RR.
ADNAshley, Drew and Northern Ry.
AECAtlantic and East Carolina Ry.
AEFRAurora, Elgin and Fox River Electric.
AFAlabama and Florida Ry.
AFLRAlabama and Florida RR.
AGAbbeville Grimes Ry.
AGLFAtlantic and Gulf RR.
AGSAlabama Great Southern RR.
AHTAlaska Hydro-Train
AHWAhnapee and Western Ry.
AKDNAcadiana Ry.
AKMDArkansas Midlland RR.
ALAlmanor RR.
ALBBYAlbany Port RR.
ALMArkansas and Louisiana Missouri Ry.
ALQSAliquippa and Southern RR.
ALSAlton and Southern Ry.
ALYAllegeny RR.
AMArkansas and Missouri RR.
AMCAmador Central RR.
AMHRLandisville RR.
AMTKAmtrak/National Railroad Passenger Co.
ANApalachicola Northwer RR.
ANRAngelina and Neches River RR.
APAApache Ry.
American President Lines
APL(American President Lines)のコンテナ
APDAlbany Port District
APNCAppanoose Country Community RR.
ARAberdeen and Rockfish RR
ARAArcade and Attica RR.
ARCAlexander RR.
ARDPMissouri Pacific System/Union Pacific RR.
ARMHMissouri Pacific System/Union Pacific RR.
ARMNMissouri Pacific System/Union Pacific RR.
ARRAlaska RR.
ARWArkansas Western Ry.
ARZCArizona and California RR.
ASABAtlanta and St. Andrews Bay Ry.
ASMLAtlanta, Stone Mountain and Lithonia Ry.
ASRYAshland Ry.
ATLTAustin, Todd and Ladd RR.
ATNAlabama, Tennessee and Northern RR.
ATSFAtchison, Topeca and Santa Fe
Burlington Northern and Santa Fe
ATWAtlantic and Western Ry.
AUGAugusuta RR.
AUNWAustin and Northwestern RR.
AVLAroostook Valley RR.
AWPAtlanta and West Point RR./CSX Transporting, Inc
AWWAlgers, Winslow and Western Ry.
AZERArizona Eastern Ry.
リポーティングマーク 鉄道名・所有者名
BBamberger Electric RR.
BandABoston and Albany RR.
BandSBuffalo and Susquehanna RR.
BAConsolidated Rail Co.(Conrail)
BAPButte, Anaconda and Pacific Ry.
BARBangor and Aroostook RR.
BBBuckingham Branch RR.
BCHSuther Ry. of British Columbia, Ltd.
BCITBC Rail, Ltd.
BCKConsolidated Rail Co.(Conrail)
BCLRBay Colony RR.
BCNECanadian National Ry.
BCOLBC Rail, Ltd.
BDWBad Water Line
BEEMBeech Mountain RR.
BFRRBuffalo Ridge RR.
BGRMBlue Grass RR.
BHBath and Hammondsport RR.
BITYBritish Industrial Terminal Ry.
BJRYBurlington Junction Ry.
BKRRBatten Kill RR.
BKTYMissouri Pacific System/Union Pacific RR.
BLABaltimore and Annapolis RR.
BLEBessemer and Lake Erie RR.
BLKMBlack Mesa and Lake Powell
BLOLBloomer Shippers Connecting RR.
BMBoston and Maine Co.
BMHBeaufort and Morehead RR.
BMLBelfast and Moosehead Lake RR.
BMRGBlue Mountain and Reading RR.
BMSBerlin Mills Ry.
BNBurlington Northern and Santa Fe
BNFEBurlington Northern and Santa Fe
BNMLBurlington Northern(Manitoba) RR.
BNQBurlington Northern and Santa Fe
BOBaltimore and Ohio RR./CSX Transporting, Inc
BOCTBaltimore and Ohio Chicago Terminal RR.
BOPBorder Pacific RR.
BPRRBuffalo and Pittsburgh RR.
BRandPBuffalo, Rochester and Pittsuburgh Ry.
BRANBrandon Co.
BRCBelt Ry. of Chicago
BREXChicago, Burlington and Quincy RR.
Burlington Northern and Santa Fe
BRFDBranford Steam RR.
BRGBrownsville and Rio Grande International RR.
BRIBurlington-Rock Island RR.
BRRBelton RR.
BRRCBorinstein RR.
BRTBlue Rock Transportation Co.
BRWBlack River and Western RR.
BSBirminghma Southern RR.
BSDABi-State Development Agency RR.
BSORBuffalo Southern RR.
BTRBirminghma Terminal
BVRYBrandywine Valley RR.
BWCConsolidated Rail Co.(Conrail)
BXNBauxite and Norther Ry.
リポーティングマーク 鉄道名・所有者名
CandEIChicago and Eastern Illinois Ry.
CandPACumberland and Pennsylvania RR.
CandSColorado and Southern Ry.
Burlington Northern and Santa Fe
CAChesapeake and Albemarle RR.
CAandEChicago, Aurora and Elgin RR.
CAandSChicago, Attica and Southern RR.
CACVCooperstown and Charlotte Valley Ry.
CAGYColumbus and Greenville Ry.
CARRCarrollton RR.
CBGRCouncil Bluffs Ry.
CBLConemaugh and Black Lick RR.
CBOACorinth Bluffs and Ottumwa Ry.
CBQChicago, Burlington and Quincy RR.
Burlington Northern and Santa Fe
CBRYCopper Basin Ry.
CBYNCrosbyton Ry.
CCChicago, Central and Pacific RR.
CCCLConnecticut Central RR.
CCIMCorpus Christie Terminal
CCKYChattanooga and Chickamauga Ry.
CCRCorinth and Counce RR./TennRail Co.
CCRRClaremont Concord RR.
CCRYCharles City Rail Lines
CCTCentral California Traction Co.
CCUOChicago-Chemung RR.
CEDRCedar River RR.
CEIMissouri Pacific System/Union Pacific RR.
CEIWCentral Indianna and Western RR.
CERACentral Railroad of Indiannapolis
CFCape Fear Ry.
CFWRCaney Fork and Western RR.
CGCentral of Georgia Ry./Southern/Norfolk Southern Co.
CGTCanada and Gulf Terminal Ry.
CGWChicago Great Western RR.
CHNYCheney RR.
CHPFerrocarriles Nacionales de Mexico(Mexican National)
CHRChestnut Ridge Ry.
CHRCChaparral RR.
CHTTMissouri Pacific System/Union Pacific RR.
CHVChattahoochee Valley Ry.
CHWNorfolk Southern Co.
CICambria and Indianna RR.
CICCedar Rapides and Iowa City Ry.
CILChicago, Indianapolis and Louisville Ry.(MONON)/CSX Transporting, Inc
CIMChicago and Illinois Midland Ry.
CINDCentral Railroad of Indianna
CIRRChattahoochee Industrial RR.
Chattahoochee Industrial RR. のボックスカーの写真です(ライオネル製・Oゲージ)
CISDColonel's Island RR.
CIWIllinois Central RR.
CKSICarthage, Kingstown and Shirley RR.
CLCColumbia and Cowlitz Ry.
CLHUCapital Lease
Capital Lease(キャピタル・リース)のコンテナ。
CLIFCliffside RR.
CLKCadillac and Lake City Ry.
CLNACarolina Coastal Ry.
CLPClarendon and Pittsford RR.
CLSLColumbia and Silver Creek RR.
CMCentral Montana Rail Inc.
CMGNCentral Michigan Ry.
CMNWGateway Western Ry.
CMOChicago and North Western Transporting Co.
CMPAMadisson RR., division of City of Madison Port Authority
CNCanadian National Rys.
CNACanadian National Rys.
CNISCanadian National Rys.
CNJCentral Railroad of New Jersey/Consolidated Rail Co.(Conrail)
CNORCincinnati Northern
CNQCanadian National Rys.
CNSandMChicago North Shore and Milwaukee RR.
CNTPCincinnati, New Orleans and Texas Pacific Ry.
CNWChicago and North Western Transporting Co.
CNWSCarolina and Northwestern RR.
CNYKCentral New York RR.
COChesapeake and Ohio Ry./CSX Transporting, Inc
COERCrab Orchard and Egyptian RR.
COOKCook Transit
COPCity of Prineville Ry.
COPRCopper Range RR.
CPCP Rail(Canadian Pacific Ltd.)
CPAACP Rail(Canadian Pacific Ltd.)
CPDRSouth Carolina Central RR., Carolina Piedmont division.
CPICP Rail(Canadian Pacific Ltd.)
CPTCP Rail(Canadian Pacific Ltd.)
CRConsolidated Rail Co.(Conrail)
CREConsolidated Rail Co.(Conrail), Eastern district
CRIConsolidated Rail Co.(Conrail)
CRIJCarolina Rail Services, inc.
CRLChicago Rail Link
CRLECoe Rail, Inc.
CRLUCarlisle Leasing International
Carlisle Leasing Internationalのコンテナ。
CRNCarolina and Northwestern/Southern/Norfork Southern Co.
CRRClinchfield RR./CSX Transporting, Inc
CSBurlington Northern and Santa Fe
CSLChicago Short Line Ry.
CSPCamas Prairie RR.
CSSChicago, Southshore and South Bend RR.
CSXECSX Transporting, Inc
CSXTCSX Transporting, Inc
CTColumbia Terminal
CTIEKansas City Southern Ry.
CTMLCairo Terminal RR.
CTNCanton RR.
CTRNCentral of Tennessee Ry and Nav. Co.
CUOHColumbus and Ohio River RR.
CUSTChicago Union Station Co.
CUVACuyahoga Valley Ry.
CVCentral Vermont Ry.
CVCCanadian National Rys.
CVDOChicago, Central and Pacific RR.
CVQCentral Vermont Ry.
CWColorado and Wyoming Ry.
CWIChicago and Western Indiana RR.
CWPChicago, West Pullman and Southern RR.
CWRCalifornia Western Ry.
CWRLCalifornia Western Ry.
CWRYCommonwealth Ry.
CWWRChehalis Western RR.
CXColorado and Southern Ry./Burlington Northern and Santa Fe
CYCYCrystal City RR.
リポーティングマーク 鉄道名・所有者名
DandIRDuluth and Iron Range RR.
DandRGWDenver and Rio Grande Western RR.
DandSLDenver and Salt Lake Ry.
DandTSDetroit and Toledo Shore Line RR./Grand Trunck Western RR.
DACP Rail(Canadian Pacific Ltd.)
DAKRDakota Rail Inc.
DCDelray Connecting RR.
DCFBDodge City, Ford and Bucklin RR.
DCLRDelaware Coast Line RR.
DERDunn-Erwin Ry.
DGNODallas, Garland and Northeastern RR.
DHDelaware and Hudson Ry.
DHNYDelaware and Hudson Ry.
DKSDoniphan, Kensett and Searcy Ry.
DLWDelaware, Lackawanna and Western RR.
Consolidated Rail Co.(Conrail)
DLWRDepew, Lancaster and Western RR.
DMDetroit and Mackinac Ry./Lake State Ry.
DMandNDuluth, Missabe and Northern RR.
DMBDakota, Minnesota and Eastern RR.
DMEDakota, Minnesota and Eastern RR.
DMIRDuluth, Missabe and Iron Range RR.
DMMDanville and Mount Morris RR.
DMVWDakota, Missouri Valley and Western RR.
DNEDuluth and Northeastern RR.
DQandEDe Queen and Eastern RR.
DRDardanelle and Russellville RR.
DRHYDurham Transport, Inc.
DRIDavenport, Rock Island and North Western Ry.
DRWYDenver Ry.
DSDurham and Southern Ry.
DSADuluth, South Shore and Atlantic Ry./Soo Line RR.
DSRCDakota Southern Ry.
DSRRDelta Southern RR.
DSSandADuluth, South Shore and Atlantic Ry./Soo Line RR.
DTIDetroit, Toledo and Ironton RR./Grand Trunck Western RR.
DTSGrand Trunck Western RR.
DUTDenver Union Terminal Ry.
DVRDevco Ry.
DVSDelta Valley and Southern Ry.
DWCDuluth, Winnipeg and Pacific Ry./Canadian National Rys.
DWPDuluth, Winnipeg and Pacific Ry./Canadian National Rys.
リポーティングマーク 鉄道名・所有者名
EACHEast Camden and Highland RR.
EARYEastern Alabama Ry.
ECBREast Cooper and Berkeley RR.
EDWEl Dorado and Wesson Ry.
EECEast Erie Commercial RR.
EIRCEastern Illinois RR.
EJEElgin, Joliet and Eastern Ry.
EJREast Jersey Railroad. and Terminal, Co.
ELErie Lackawanna RR./Consolidated Rail Co.(Conrail)
ELKRElk River RR.
ELSEscanaba and Lake Superior RR.
EMEdgmoor and Manetta Ry.
ENEsquimalt and Nanaimo Ry.
EPTCEast Rortland Traction Co.
ERIEErie RR./Consolidated Rail Co.(Conrail)
ESHREastern Shore RR.
ESLJEast St.Louis Junction RR.
ETLEssex terminal Ry.
ETRYEast Tennessee Ry.
EUKAEureka Southern RR.
EVEverett RR.
リポーティングマーク 鉄道名・所有者名
FNYK Line(日本郵船)
FAPRFloydada and Plainview RR.
FCENFlorida Central RR.
FCMFerrocarriles Nacionales de Mexico(Mexican National)
FCPFerrocarriles Nacionales de Mexico(Mexican National)
FDDMChicago and North Western Transporting Co.
FECFlorida East Coast Ry.
FHRRFerdinand and Huntingburg RR.
FLKUK-Line(Kawasaki Kisen)
FMIDFlorida Midland RR.
FMRCFarmrail Co.
FNORFlorida Northern RR.
FPFordyce and Princeton RR.
FRandNGeorgia Northern Ry.
FRDNHartford and Slocomb RR.
FRVRFox River Valley RR.
FRYFore River Ry.
FSandWFort Smith and Western RR.
FSRFort Smith RR.
FSUDFort Street Union Depot, Co.
FSVBFort Smith and Van Buren Ry.
FUSFerrocarriles Nacionales de Mexico(Mexican National)
FWandDFort Worth and Denver City Ry.
Burlington Northern and Santa Fe
FWCRFlorida West Coast RR.
FWDFort Worth and Denver City Ry.
Burlington Northern and Santa Fe
FWDRFort Worth and Dallas RR.
FWDXFort Worth and Denver City Ry.
Burlington Northern and Santa Fe
FWPPFremont West Point and Pacific Ry.
FWWRFort Worth and Western RR.
FtDDMandSFort Dodge, Des Moines and Southern RR.
リポーティングマーク 鉄道名・所有者名
GandFGoergia and Florida RR.
GAGeorgia RR./CSX Transporting, Inc
GAABSouth Carolina Centrall RR.,Georgia and Alabama division
GANOGeorgia Northern Ry.
GBWGreen Bay and Western RR.
GCGeorgia Central Ry.
GCNGarden City Northern Ry.
GCRCGolden Cat RR.
GCWGarden City Western Ry.
GETYGettysburg RR.
GFGeorgia and Florida/Southern/Norfolk Southern Co.
GFCGreat Falls Central Ry.
GHHGalveston, Houston and Henderson RR.
GHRDGreen Hills Rural Development, Inc.
GLSRGloster Southern RR.
GMandNGulf, Mobile and Northern RR.
GMandOGulf, Mobile and Ohio RR.
GMOGulf, Mobile and Ohio RR./Illinois Central RR.
GMRCGreen Mountain RR.
GMSRSouthrail Co.
GNGreat Northern Ry./Burlington Northern and Santa Fe
GNAGraysonia, Nashville and Ashdown RR.
GNBCGrainbelt Co.
GNRRGeorgia Northeastern RR.
GNWRGenesee and North Wyoming RR.
GRNGreenville and Northern Ry.
GRNRGrand River Ry.
GRRGeorgetown RR.
GRWRGreat Walton RR.
GSMRGreat Smoky Mountains Ry.
GSWRSouth Carolina Central RR., Georgia Southwestern division
GTAGrand Trunck Western RR.
GTRGreat River RR.
GTRAGolden Triangle RR.
GTWGrand Trunck Western RR.
GUGrafton and Upton RR.
GVSRGalveston RR.
GWRGreat Western Ry.
GWRCGeorgia Woodlands RR.
GWWRGateway Western Ry.
リポーティングマーク 鉄道名・所有者名
HandBTHuntingdon and Broad Top Mountain RR. and Coal Co.
HBHampton and Branchville RR.
HBLHarbor Belt Line RR.
HBTHouston Belt and Terminal Ry.
HCRCHillsdale County Ry.
HEHollis and Eastern RR.
HESRHuron and Eastern Ry.
HJCUHanjin Shipping Co.
HMCRHuntsville and Madison County RR.
HMRHoboken Manufactures RR.
HNHutchinson and Northern Ry.
HPTDHigh Point, Thomasville and Denton RR.
HRRCHoustaonic RR.
HRTHartwell Ry.
HSHartford and Slocomb RR.
HTWHoosac Tunnel and Wilmington RR.
リポーティングマーク 鉄道名・所有者名
IAISIowa Interstate RR.
IALUInterasia Lines
Interasia Linesのコンテナ。神奈川臨海鉄道横浜本牧駅付近にて撮影。
IANRIowa Northern Ry.
IATRIowa Traction RR.
IBTInternation Bridge and Terminal Co.
ICIllinois Central RR.
ICGIllinois Central RR.
ICRKIndian Creek RR.
IHBIndiana Harbor Belt RR.
IHRCIndiana Hi-Rail Co.
INOHIndiana and Ohio RR.
INRDIndiana RR.
INTInterstate RR./Norfolk and Southern Co.
IOCCQuebec North Shore and Labrador Ry.
IOCRIndiana and Ohio Central RR./Indiana and Ohio Rail Co.
IOERIndiana and Ohio Eastern RR./Indiana and Ohio Rail Co.
IORYIndiana and Ohio Ry.
IRNConsolidated Rail Co.(Conrail)
ISRIowa Southern RR.
ISRRIndiana Southern RR.
ITCIllinois Terminal RR. System/Norfolk and Western Ry.
IUIndiannapolis Union Ry.
IWRIntermountain Western RR.
リポーティングマーク 鉄道名・所有者名
JEFWJefferson Warrior RR.
JKLJK Lines, Inc.
JSCJohnstown and Stony Creek RR.
JSRCJackson and Southern RR.
JTCOJacksonville Terminal RR.
JTSFJuniata Terminal Co.
JXPTJaxport Terminal Ry.
リポーティングマーク 鉄道名・所有者名
KBSRKankakee, Beaverville and Southern RR.
KCNWKelley's Creak and Northwestern RR.
KCSKansas City Southern Ry.
KCTKansaa City Terminal Ry.
KENNKennecott Co. RR.
KEWHKewash RR.
KJRYKeokuk Junction Ry.
KKRRKnox and Kane RR.
KLSCKalamazoo, Lake Shore and Chicago Ry.
KMKansas and Missouri Ry. and Terminal
KNORKlamath Northern Ry.
KNLURoyal Nedlloyd
Royal Nedlloydのコンテナ。
KOandGKansas, Oklahoma and Gulf Ry.
KRRKiamichi RR.
KSWKansas Southwestern Ry.
KTKentucky and Tennessee Ry.
リポーティングマーク 鉄道名・所有者名
LAKansas City Southern Ry.
LAJLos Angels Junction Ry.
LALLivonia, Avon and Lakeville RR.
LASBLackawaxen and Southbridge RR.
LBRLowville and Beaver River RR.
LCLancaster and Chester Ry.
LCSRLeadville-Climax Shourtline Ry.
LDRRLouisiana and Delta RR.
LDRTLake Front Dock and RR. Terminal Co.
LEERLogansport and Eel River Short Line, Co.
LEFLake Erie, Franklin and Clarion RR.
LENLake Erie and Northern Ry.
LHRLehigh and Hudson River Ry./Consolidated Rail Co.(Conrail)
LILong Island RR.
LINCLewis and Clark Ry.
LKRRLittle Kanawha River Rail Inc.
LMLichfield and Madison Ry.
Chicago and Northwestern Transporting Co.
LNLouisville and Nashville RR./CSX Transporting, Inc
LNACHartford and Slocomb RR.
LNALLouisville, New Albany and Corydon RR.
LNELehigh and New England RR./Consolidated Rail Co.(Conrail)
LNWLouisiana and North West RR.
LPNLongview, Portland and Northern Ry.
LRPALittle Rock Port RR.
LRSLaurinburg and Southern RR.
LRWNLittle Rock and Western Ry.
LRWYLackawanna Ry.
LSILake Superior and Ishpreming RR.
LSOLouisiana Southern/Southern/Norfolk Southern
LSRCLake State Ry.
LTLake Terminal RR.
LTCRLeelanau Transit Co.
LUNLudington and Northern Ry.
LVLehigh Valley RR./Consolidated Rail Co.(Conrail)
LVALLackawanna Valley RR.
LVRCLamoille Valley RR.
LWLouisville and Wadley Ry.
LWVConsolidated Rail Co.(Conrail)
リポーティングマーク 鉄道名・所有者名
MandNAMissouri and North Arkansas Ry.
MandOMobile and Ohio RR./Gulf, Mobile and Ohio RR.
MandStLMinneapolis and St. Louis RR.
Chicago and North Western Trans. Co.
MandWRMontpelier and Wells River RR.
MAMissouri and Arkansas RR.
MAAMagma Arizona RR.
MACOMcCormick, Ashland City and Nashville RR.
MAYWMaywood and Sugar Creeke RR.
MBMeridian and Bigbee RR.
MCMain Coast RR.
MCERMassachusetts Central RR.
MCLRMcLaughlin Line RR.
MCRMcCloud River RR.
MCRRMonongahela Connecting RR.
MCSAMoscow, Camden and San Augustine RR.
MDandSMacon, Dublin and Savannah RR.
MDDEMaryland and Delaware RR.
MDLRMidland Terminal Co.
MDRMidlouisiana Rail Co.
MDWMinnesota, Dakota and Western Ry.
MEMorristown and Erie Ry.
MECMaine Central RR.
METModesto and Empire Traction Co.
METWMunicipality of East Troy
MGAMonongahela Ry.
MGRIMG Rail, Inc.
MHMount Hood RR.
MHWAMohawk, Adirondack and Northern RR.
MIMissouri Pacific System/Union Pacific RR.
MIDHMiddletown and Hummelstown RR.
MIGNMichigan Northern Ry.
MILWChicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific RR./Soo Line RR.
MISSMississippian Ry.
MJManufacturers' Junction Ry.
MKCMcKeesport Connecting RR.
MKTMissouri-Kansas=Texas RR.(KATY)/Union Pacific RR.
MKTTMissouri-Kansas=Texas RR.(KATY)/Union Pacific RR.
MMIDMaryland Midland Ry.
MMRRMid-Michigan RR.
MNCWMetro-Morth Commuter RR.
MNJMiddletown and New Jersey Ry.
MNLMountain Laurel RR.
MNNRMinnesota Commercial Ry.
MNSMinneapolis, Northfield and Southern Ry.
Soo Line RR.
MNVAMinnesota Valley Regional Rail Authority
Minnesota Valley Trans. Co.
MOGUMitsui O.S.K. Line(大阪商船三井船舶)
MOLUMitsui O.S.K. Line(大阪商船三井船舶)
MONChicago, Indianapolis and Louisville Ry.(MONON)
CSX Transporting, Inc
MOTCMontral Tramways
MPMissouri Pacific System/Union Pacific RR.
MPAMaryland and Pennsylvania RR.
MPPManitou and Pikes Peak Ry.
MRMoCloud River RR.
MRLMontana Rail Link
MRRMid Atlantic RR.
MRSManufacturers Ry.
MSMichigan Shore RR.
MSCMississippi Central RR.
MSDRMississippi Delta RR.
MSEMississippi Export RR.
MSOMichigan Southern RR.
MSKUMaersk Sealand
Maersk Sealandのコンテナ。神奈川臨海鉄道横浜本牧駅付近にて撮影。
MSRCMidsouth Rail Co.
MSRWMississippi Railway. Co-operative, Inc.
MSTLMinneapolis and St. Louis RR.
Chicago and North Western Trans. Co.
MSTRMassena Terminal RR.
MSVMississippi and Skuna Valley RR.
MTCBoston and Maine Co.
MTCOMacon Terminal Co.
MTRYoungstown and Southern Ry.
MTWMarinette, Tomahawk and Western RR.
MVMidland Valley RR.
MVRYMahoning Valley Ry.
MVTMount Vernon Terminal Ry.
MWCLMidwest Coal Handling Co.
MWRMuncie and Western RR.
MWRCMount Washington Ry.
MWRRMontana Western Ry.
MWRYMineral Welles and Eastern Ry.
MWTTMichigan Wisconsin Trans. Co.
リポーティングマーク 鉄道名・所有者名
NandCNashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis Ry.
NACRNashville and Ashland City RR.
NAPNarragansett Pier RR.
NARNorthern Alberta Rys./Canadian National Rys.
NBERNittany and Bald Eagle RR.
NBNRNicolet Badger Northern RR.
NCCSX Transporting, Inc
NCPRNorth Carolina Ports Ry.
NCVANorth Carolina and Virginia RR.
NCVBNorth Carolina and Virginia RR.
Virginia Souther Division
NCYRNash County RR.
NDMFerrocarriles Nacionales de Mexico(Mexican National)
NEGSNew England Southern RR.
NEKMMid Michigan RR./North Kansas and Missouri Ry.
NERRNashville and Eastern RR.
NHNew York, New Haven and Hartford RR.
Consolidated Rail Co.(Conrail)
NHNNew Hampshire Northcoast Co.
NHRRNew Hope and Ivyland RR.
NHVTNew Hampshire and Vermont RR.
NICDNorthern Indiana Commuter Trans. District
NJCP Rail(Canadian Pacific Ltd.)
NJTRNJ Transit Rail Operations
NKPNew York, Chicago and St. Louis RR.(Nickel Plate)
Norfolk Southern Co.
NLGMidlouisiana Rail Co.
NNNevada Northern Ry.
NOGNNew Orleans Great Northern RR.
NOKLNorthwestern Oklahoma RR.
NOLRNew Orleans Lower Coast RR.
NOPBNew Orleans Public Belt RR.
NOTNew Orleans Terminal
NOUTNew Orleans Union Pssenger Terminal
NPNorthern Pacific Ry./Burlington Northern and Santa Fe
NPBNorfolk and Portsmouth Belt Line RR.
NPMNorthern Pacific Ry./Burlington Northern and Santa Fe
NPTPortland Terminal RR.
NSNorfolk Southern Co.
NSHRNorth Shore RR.
NSLSt. Lawrence RR.
NSRNewburgh and South Shore RR.
NSRCNorth Stratford RR.
NSSNewburg and South Shore RR.
NTRNatchez Trace RR.
NTRYNimishillen and Tuscarawas Ry.
NYKUNYK Line(日本郵船)
NYK Line(日本郵船)のコンテナ
NVRRNapa Valley RR.
NWNorfolk Southern Co.
NWPNorthwestern Pacific RR./Southern Pacific Trans. Co.
NWTNorthern Terminal RR.
NYCNew York Central Sysytem/Consolidated Rail Co.(Conrail)
New York Central(ニュー・ヨーク・セントラル)のコンテナ。
NYCHNew York Cross Harbor Railroad Terminal Co.
NYLENew York and Lake Erie RR.
NYSWNew York, Susquehanna and Western Ry.
リポーティングマーク 鉄道名・所有者名
OAROld Augusta RR.
OBPAOgdensburg Bridge and Port Authority
OCEOregon, California and Eastern Ry.
OCROklahoma Central RR.
OCTLOil Creek and Titusville Lines, inc.
OCTROctoraro Ry.
OGEEOgeechee Ry.
OHCROhio Central RR.
OHICOhi-Rail Co.
OHRYOwego and Hartford Ry.
OKKTMissouri Pacific System/Union Pacific RR.
OLBOmaha, Lincoln and Beatrice Ry.
OLYROlympic RR.
OMIDOntario Midland RR.
ONCTOntario Central RR.
ONTOntario Northland RR.
ONTAOntario Northland RR.
OPEOregon, Pacific and Eastern Ry.
ORROsage RR.
OSRROhio Southern RR.
OTROakland Terminal Ry.
OTTOttumwa Terminal RR.
OTVROtter Tail Valley RR.
OUCHOuachita RR.
OURDOgden Union Ry.
OWNew York, Ontario and Western Ry.
リポーティングマーク 鉄道名・所有者名
PandWVPittsburgh and West Virginia Ry.
PAEConsolidated Rail Co.(Conrail)
PALPaducah and Lousville Ry.
PAMPittsburgh, Allegheny and Mackees Rock RR.
PARXPan American Ry.
PBLPhiladelphia Belt Line RR.
PBNEPhiladelphia, Bethlehem and New England RR.
PBRPatapsco and Black Rivers RR.
PBVRPort Bienville RR.
PCConsolidated Rail Co.(Conrail)
PCAConsolidated Rail Co.(Conrail)
PCBConsolidated Rail Co.(Conrail)
PCNPoint Comfort and Northern Ry.
PCYPittsburgh, Chartiers and Youghiogheny Ry.
PDRRPee Dee River Ry.
PEPacific Electric Ry./Consolidated Rail Co.(Conrail)
PFPioneer and Fayette RR.
PGEBC Rail, Ltd.
PGRVPigeon River RR.
PHDPort Huron and Detroit RR.
PIPaducah and Illinois RR.
PICKPickens RR.
PJRPort Jersey RR.
PKHPPickens RR.
PLEPittsburgh and Lake Erie RR.
PMPere Marquette Ry./Chesapeake and Ohio Ry./CSX Transporting, Inc
PNPiedmont and Northern Ry.
PNERPocono Northeast Ry.
PNWPrescott and Northwestern RR.
POAKPort of Oakland Ry.
POCUP and O Container Lines
P and O Container Linesのコンテナ。
PORPoseyville and Owensville RR.
POTBPort of Tillamook Bay RR.
POVPittsburgh and Ohio Valley Ry.
POVAPend Oreille Valley RR.
PPUPeoria and Pekin Union Ry.
PRRPennsylvania RR. System/Consolidated Rail Co.(Conrail)
PRSLPennsylvania-Reading Seashore Lines
Consolidated Rail Co.(Conrail)
PRTParr Terminal RR.
PRTDPortland Traction Co.
PRVPearl River Valley RR.
PRYLPort Royal RR.
PSPittsburgh and Shawmut RR.
PSandNPittsburg, Shawmut and Northern RR.
PSLPeabody Short Line
PSLLPlymouth Short Line, Ltd.
PTPeninsula Terminal Co.
PTMPortland Terminal Co.
PTRPort Terminal Railroad of South Carolina
PTRRPort Townsend RR.
PVCCPort Utilities Commission of Charleston
PVRRPioneer Valley RR.
PVSPecos Valley Southern Ry.
PWProvidence and Worocester RR.
PWJPioneer RR., West New Jersey Division
PWVNorfork Southern Co.
リポーティングマーク 鉄道名・所有者名
QAPQuanah, Acme and Pacific Ry.
QBTQuincy Bay terminal Co.
QCQuebec Central Ry.
QCMCartier Ry.(La Compagnie de Chemin de Fer Cartier)
QNSLQuebec North Shore and Labrador Ry.
QRRQuincy RR.
リポーティングマーク 鉄道名・所有者名
RRutland RR.
RARWRarus Ry.
RBBNBurlington Northern and Santa Fe
RBBQChicago, Burlington and Quincy RR
Burlington Northern and Santa Fe
RBBSBurlington Northern and Santa Fe
RBBXChicago, Burlington and Quincy RR
Burlington Northern and Santa Fe
RBCSBurlington Northern and Santa Fe
RBKRRed Bank RR.
RBMNReading, Blue Mountain and Northern RR.
RBWBurlington Northern and Santa Fe
RDGPhiladelphia and Reading RR.
Consolidated Rail Co.(Conrail)
RFPRichmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac RR.
RIChicago, Rock Island and Pacific Ry.
RJCLR.J.Corman RR., Cleveland Line
RJCMR.J.Corman RR., Memphis Line
RJCOR.J.Corman RR., Ohio division
RJCRR.J.Corman RR., Memphis division
RMRRRocky Mountain Railcar and Railroad, inc.
ROCKChicago, Rock Island and Pacific Ry.
RRConsolidated Rail Co.(Conrail)
RRVWRed River Valley and Western RR.
RSRoberbal and Saguenay Ry.
RSBRochester Subway
RSMRailroad Switching Service of Missouri, inc.
RSNRRed Springs and Northern RR.
RSPRoscoe, Snyder and Pacific Ry.
RSRRochester and Southern RR.
RSSRockdale, Sandow and Southern RR.
RTRiver Terminal Ry.
RVRahway Valley RR.
RVTBermont Ry,
リポーティングマーク 鉄道名・所有者名
SandNYSusquehanna and New York RR.
SASavannah and Atlanta Ry.
CSX Transporting, Inc
SALSeaboard Air Line Ry./Seaboard Coast Line
SANSandersville RR.
SBSouth Buffalo Ry.
SBCFerrocarriles Nacionales de Mexico(Mexican National)
SBDCSX Transporting, Inc
SBKSouth Brooklyn Ry.
SBLNSterling Belt Line Ry.
SBRRStourbridge RR.
SBVRSouth Branch Valley RR.
SCBGSanta Cruz, Big Trees and Pacific Ry.
SCFEBrandywine Valley RR./South Central Florida RR
SCLCSX Transporting, Inc
SCMStrouds Creek and Muddlety RR.
SCRFSouth Carolina Central RR.
SCTSioux Central Tennessee RR.
SCTRSouth Central Tennessee RR.
SDAESan Diego and Arizona Ry./Southern Pacific Trans. Co.
SDIYSan Diego and Imperial Valley RR.
SEKRSoutheast Kansas RR.
SEPASoutheastern Pennsylvania Trans. Authority
SERASierra RR.
SFBSan Francisco Belt RR.
SFLCBurlington Northern and Santa Fe
SFLRShore Fast Line, Inc.
SFRCBurlington Northern and Santa Fe
SFSSanta Fe Southern Ry.
SGLRSeminole Gulf Ry.
SHSteelton and Highspire RR.
SISpokane International Ry./Union Pacific RR.
SINDSouthern Indiana Ry.
SIRStaten Island Rapid Transit Ry.
SIRRSouthern Industrial RR.
SIRTSt. Johns River Terminal
SIRYStaten Island Ry.
SJLSt. Johnsbury and Lake Champlain RR.
SJVRSan Joaquin Valley RR.
SKOLSouth Kansas and Oklahoma RR.
SKPRSouth Kent and Pacific RR.
SLCSan Luis Central RR.
SLGGSidney and Lowe RR.
SLGWSalt Lake, Garfield and Western Ry.
SLRSt. Lawrence and Atlantic RR.
SLRRSt. Lawrence and Racquette River RR.
SLSFSt. Louis-San Francisco Ry.(FRISCO)
Burlington Northern and Santa Fe
SLUSalt Lake and Utah RR.
SMSt. Marys RR.
SMASan Manuel Arizona RR.
SMRRSisseton Milbank RR.
SMVSant Maria Valley RR.
SNSacrament Northern Ry.
SNCTSeatlle and North Coast RR.
SOSouth Orient RR.
SOMSomerset RR.
SOOSoo Line RR.
SOPRSouth Pierce RR.
SORASouthern Rails Cooperative, Ltd.
SOUSouthern Ry./Norfolk Southern Ry.
SPSouthern Pacific Trans. Co.
SPEGSpencerville and Elgin RR.
SPFESouthern Pacific Trans. Co.
SPQSouthern Pacific Trans. Co.
SPSSpokane, Portland and Seattle Ry.
Burlington Northern and Santa Fe
SPUDSaint Paul Union Depot Co.
SQVRSequatchie Valley RR.
SRSouthrail Co.
SRCStrasburgh RR.
SRNSabine River and Northern RR.
SRNJSouthern Ry. of NJ
SRYSouthern Ry. of British Columbia, Ltd.
SRYCSierra Ry. of CA
SSSand Springs Ry.
SSDKSavannah State Docks RR.
SSHSouth Shore
SSLVSouthern San Luis Valley RR.
SSORSisseton Southern Ry.
SSPBSeaspan International, Ltd.
SSWSt. Louis Southwestern Ry.(Cotton Belt)/Southern Pacific Lines
SSWWSSWSouthern Pacific Chicago St. Louis Co./Southern Pacific Line
STSpringfield Terminal Ry.
STEStockton Terminal and Eastern RR.
STMASt. Maries River RR.
STRTStewatstown RR.
SUABSouthern Alabama RR.
SUNSunset Ry.
SURState University RR.
SVILSaltville RR.
SVRRShamokin Valley RR.
SVRySumpter Valley Ry.
SWSouthwestern RR.
SWGRSeagraves, Whiteface and Lubbock RR.
リポーティングマーク 鉄道名・所有者名
TandGTonopah and Goldfield RR.
TandPTexas and Pacific Ry./Missouri Pacific System/Union Pacific RR.
TandTTonopah and Tidewater RR.
TAGTennessee, Alabama and Georgia Ry.
Southern/Norfork Southern Co.
TAPT and P Ry.
TASDTerminal Railway. Alabama State Docks
TBERTerre Haute, Brazil and Eastern RR.
TBRYThermal Belt Ry.
TCTennessee Central Ry.
TCGTuscon, Cornelia and Gila Bend RR.
TCKRTurtle Creek Industrial Ry.
TCTTexas City and Western RR.
Texas City Terminal Ry.
TCWRTwin Cities and Western RR.
TENNTennessee Ry.
TEXCTexas Central RR.
THBCP Rail(Canadian Pacific Ltd.)
TIOCTioga Central Railroad Co.
TIRLTonawanda Island RR.
TKENTennken RR.
TMTexas Mexican Ry.
TMBLTacoma Municipal Belt Line Ry.
TMCTemiscouata Ry./Canadian National Rys.
TMSLTowanda-Monroeton Shippers Lifeline, Inc.
TMSSOwanda-Monroeton Shippers' Lifeline
TMTTrailer Marine Trans. Co.
TNTexas and Northern Ry.
TNERMid-Michigan RR.
Texas Northeastern division
TNMUnion Pacific RR.
TNMRAustin and Northwestern RR./Texas and New Mexico RR.
TNRTennRail Co.
TOCConsolidated Rail Co.(Conrail)
TOETexas, Oklahoma and Eastern RR.
TPTexas and Pacific Ry.
Missouri Pacific System/Union Pacific RR.
TPWToledo, Peoria and Western Ry.
Burlington Northern and Santa Fe
TRTomahawk Ry.
TRCTrona Ry.
TRLUTransamerica Leasing
Transamerica Leasing(トランサメリカ・リーシング)のコンテナ。
TRRATerminal Railroad assn' of St. Louis
TSTidewater Southern Ry.
TSBYTuscola and Saginaw Bay Ry.
TSETexas South Eastern RR.
TSRDTwin State RR.
TSRRTennessee Southern RR.
TSUTulsa Sapulpa Union Ry.
TTISTranskentucky Transportation RR.
TWRYTradewater Ry.
TXGNTexas, Gonzales and Northern Ry.
TXNWTexas North Western Ry.
TXORTexas North Western Ry.
TXTCTexas Transportation. Co.
TYBRTyburn RR.
TYCTylardale Connecting
リポーティングマーク 鉄道名・所有者名
UICUtah-Idaho Central RR.
UMPUpper Merion and Plymouth RR.
UNIUnity Ry.
UOUnion Railroad of Oregon
UPUnion Pacific RR.
UPFEUnion Pacific RR.
UPPUnion Pacific RR.
UPRUnion Pacific RR.
URRUnion RR.
URYUnion RR. of Memphis
UTAHUtah Ry.
UVUnadilla Valley Ry.
リポーティングマーク 鉄道名・所有者名
VandTVirginia and Truckee Ry.
VALEValley RR.
VAMDVirginia and Maryland RR.
VCYVentura County Ry.
VEVisalia Electric RR./Southern Pacific Trans. Co.
VGNVirginian Ry./Norfork Southern Co.
VRValdosta Ry.
VRRCVandalia RR.
VSOValdosta Southern RR.
VSSRNorth Carolina and Virginia RR.
VTRVermont Ry.
リポーティングマーク 鉄道名・所有者名
WAWestern Ry. of Alabama/CSX Transporting, Inc
WABWabash Ry./Norfork Southern Co.
WACRWashington Country RR.
WAGWellsville, Addison and Galeton RR.
WANDWisconsin and Michigan Ry.
WARWarrenton RR.
WATCWashington Terminal Co.
WBTSWaco, Beaumont, Trinity and Sabine Ry.
WCWisconsin Central Ltd.
WCFandNWaterloo, Cedar Falls and Northern Ry.
WCLRWaccamaw Coatline RR.
WCRCWashington Central RR.
WCTRWCTU Ry.(White City Terminal and Utility)
WEWheeling and Lake Erie Ry.
WGCRWiregrass Central RR.
WGRWillamina and Grand Ronde Ry.
WGRYWabash and Grand River Ry.
WHNConsolidated Rail Co.(Conrail)
WHNConsolidated Rail Co.(Conrail)
WHLUWan Hai Line(萬海航運)
Wan Hai Line(萬海航運)のコンテナ。2009年(平成21年)4月、神奈川臨海鉄道横浜本牧駅にて撮影。
WICTWisconsin and Calumet RR.
WJWest Jersey RR.
WLEWheeling and Lake Erie Ry.
WLOWaterloo Ry.
WMWestern Maryland Ry./CSX Transporting, Inc
Western Marylandのボックスカー。
WMSCWhite Mountain Scemic RR.
WNFRWinfrede RR.
WPWestern Pacific RR./Union Pacific RR.
WPNWUnion Pacific RR.
WPYWhite Pass and Yukon Ry.
WRRCWestern RR.
WRWKProvidence and Wrochester RR.
WRYWaterloo Ry.
WSORWisconsin and Southern RR.
WSRWarren and Saline River RR.
WSSWinston-Salem Southbound Ry.
WTJRWichita, Tillman and Juckson Ry.
WTNNWest Tennessee RR.
WTRWrightsville and Tennille RR.
WTRYWilmington Terminal RR.
WTSEWest Shore RR.
WUTWichita Union Terminal Ry.
WVNWest Virginia Northern RR.
WVRDWillamette Valley RR.
WWWinchester and Western RR.
WWRCWilmington and Western Ry.
WWVBurlington Northern and Santa Fe
WYCOWyoming Colorado RR.
WYECWye Transportation Co.
WYSWynadotte Southern RR.
リポーティングマーク 鉄道名・所有者名
YANYancey RR.
YARRYoungstown and Austintown RR.
YKRYorkrail, Inc.
YMLUYang Ming Marine Transport(陽明海運)
Yang Ming Marine Transport(陽明海運)のコンテナ。
YSYoungstown and Southern Ry.
YSLRYolo Shortline RR.
YVRRYadkin Valley RR.
YWYreka Western RR.
リポーティングマーク 鉄道名・所有者名

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